Pismo dobrodošlice

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, dragi prijatelji,

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, Hrvatsko društvo radiologa HLZ organiziralo je u suradnji sa radiološkim društvima i kolegama iz tri susjedne zemlje kratki seminar fokusiran na primjenu magnetske rezonancije u kliničkoj praksi. Predavanja će održati eksperti u pojedinim područjima, nastavnici sa sva četiri hrvatska Medicinska fakulteta, te iz Beograda, Novog Sada, Ljubljane, Maribora i Sarajeva, a bit će pokrivena većina područja primjene MRI u suvremenoj kliničkoj medicini.
Ovaj je skup namijenjen prvenstveno specijalizantima i mladim specijalistima radiologije i očekujemo da će polaznicima biti vrlo koristan u budućem radu s MRI.

Prof.dr.sc. Damir Miletić, predsjednik HDR HLZ, MEF Rijeka
Prof.dr.sc. Boris Brkljačić, MEF Zagreb

Welcome note

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

In cooperation with Radiology societies and colleagues and friends from three neighboring countries, the Croatian Society of Radiology has organized a short update-meeting focused on the application of MRI in clinical practice. The lectures will be delivered by experts in specific fields of MRI application, lecturers affiliated with all of the four Croatian Schools of Medicine, as well as by lecturers from Belgrade, Novi Sad, Ljubljana, Maribor and Sarajevo; the lectures will cover most of the fields of MRI application in modern clinical medicine.
This meeting is primarily tailored for residents in Radiology and young Radiologists; nevertheless, all of the participating Radiologists could benefit from the Course agenda and gain additional knowledge that could prove useful for their future MRI-related work.

Prof Damir Miletić, the CSR President, School of Medicine University of Rijeka
Prof Boris Brkljačić, University of Zagreb School of Medicine